Why I want to Immigrate to Canada from South Africa

It’s only natural to want to Immigrate to Canada from South Africa

With the current condition of South Africa’s government and the load shedding in progress, I’m convinced that many citizens have entertained the idea of Immigrating to Canada from South Africa. Even though Canada is much larger than South Africa, their population is only around 35 million compared to our impressive 54 million. Canadians have gained the reputation of being the friendliest people in the world; who doesn’t want to live in a country that smiles all the time?

Let me give you 7 more reasons why I want to Immigrate to Canada from South Africa:

1. Pollution is practically non-existent in Canada. Crisp air, clean water and parks that resemble the ones you see on post cards are common sights in Canada. In South Africa, you might not find unpolluted streams and parks, but you can be sure to find some form of pollution around every corner. There are 44 National Park Reserves across the country, many of which is more than 10 000 km2. With countless outdoor activities to enjoy, Canadians rarely complain of boredom and their varied wildlife mesmerizes visitors on a regular basis. The landscapes are breathtaking and the hiking trails are in tip top condition.

2. Corruption has no place in Canada and unlike the South African president who took millions from taxpayers to upgrade his private homestead, Canada’s prime minister, Stephen Harper, is dedicated to promoting the country instead. There are thousands of reasons why Canada’s government is better than ours, making this a really strong convincing point for me to want to immigrate to Canada from South Africa.

3. Medical care in Canada is exponentially better than South Africa’s medical services. Hospitals are highly efficient and they have state of the art equipment. Medical education is top notch and the health professionals are more than qualified. You might have to pay for your own medicine, but the doctors, nurses and surgeons are government paid.

4. Due to their advanced medical care and healthier lifestyles, the life expectancy is 81.4 years old on average in Canada and only 56.74 in South Africa. Shockingly, if we compare our infant mortality rates – Canada loses 5.2 babies per 1000 births next to the alarming 43.9 per 1000 in South Africa. Enough to make you cringe, right? For a free assessment on immigrating to Canada from South Africa – click here.

5. Education in South Africa is on the decline and even more so in rural areas where many children does not have access to basic education. Schools are dilapidated without properly qualified teachers or books and stationery. This contributes to our illiterate and unemployment rates and the overall economic success of our country. Canada has public education which is funded by governments and provincial curriculums that strive to uplift and educate any and all who are willing to learn.

6. South Africa ranked 6th on the list of crime infested countries, whereas Canada is 53rd on the list. It is an extremely safe country with a much lower crime rate than South Africa. Get this; homicide in Canada is only 1.6 for every 100 000 people, compared to 31/100 000 in South Africa! When Canadians visit our country, they frequently fall victim to muggings and hijackings due to their complacent nature regarding safety and security in their country. Another reason why I would definitely immigrate to Canada from South Africa is that you are 78 time more likely to get raped in our country!

7. The cost of living in Canada is also very competitive in comparison to South Africa; Cars are much more affordable and owning a house is made much more possible in Canada than over here. Not only are cars more affordable, driving is more pleasurable! South Africa is the road rage country of the world, whereas Canada does not know what road rage is. They obey the rules and enjoy driving on properly maintained roads.

To view the immigration programs available for people who want to immigrate to Canada from South Africa – click here. Getting back to the issue of load shedding in South Africa; you will be surprised to learn that almost 60% of Canada’s electricity demand is met by hydroelectric generation. Imagine living in a country that uses one of the most environmentally friendly ways of generating electricity? More than that, you will not have to suffer the effects of load shedding, because Canada’s governments and municipalities are efficiently run.

Immigrating to Canada from South Africa sounds more and more alluring as time goes by and conditions in South Africa are deteriorating. Don’t get me wrong, because I love many things about South Africa, but those things are mostly related to the beautiful nature and the warm weather. Unfortunately, our country is on a downward spiral and I’d rather get out before it’s too late.

If you can’t think of any more reasons to stay in South Africa; speak to one of our Canadian Immigration Consultants today..

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