Is Immigrating to Canada right for me?

When looking at immigrating to another country it is important to keep a few things in mind, such as:

1)    What are the official languages of that country?

2)    Is my language level enough to communicate in a working environment in that country?

3)    What are the cultural difference between that country and my current country?

4)    Are my skills in demand in that country?

5)    Is my resume formatted for that country?

6)    Can I afford the move?

7)    Do I have enough money to settle and become established?

8)    How will my family adapt?

9)    Can I become accustomed to the climate?

10) Can I become accustomed to the laws of that country?

11) Can my pets make the move?

All of these are important to keep in mind when thinking about immigrating for a variety of reasons. First, you want to make sure you are going to qualify under one of the eligible immigration categories. You should be weary of any company who says you will qualify before even discussing your qualifications and background. Secondly, you want to make sure you will be able to adapt in the that country and be able to succeed in a working environment. A crucial element to this success is being skilled in the local language. This includes reading, writing, listening and speaking. SMS language, which has become popular with certain demographics is not acceptable in business communication or on a resume. Using this type of language will result in people immediately getting the wrong impression of you and your professional skills. Thirdly,  a move of any kind can be stressful and difficult. A move to another country can be extremely difficult for all involved, especially family members. The lifestyle you may be accustomed to in your home country may not be one that you can maintain in a new country due to exchange rates and costs of living. It is important to keep all of these factors in mind and make an educated decision before rushing into any immigration decisions.

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