What to Expect From Express Entry in 2016

With the end of the year fast approaching many applicant in the Express Entry Pool are starting to panic based on the latest Express Entry Draw.

Luckily, there has been some positive feedback from CIC recently that re-iterates that there are positive changes to come in 2016 for those in the Express Entry Pool.

As this was the first year of the Express Entry system, there were some hiccups with the online system which has caused issues for applicants such as profiles disappearing, incorrect scores being assigned and so forth. Luckily most of these seem to have been corrected or in the process of being corrected.

Most importantly, CIC has acknowledged that they are not meeting their set quota of Economic Immigrants for 2015 to date. This includes the Federal Skilled Worker Program. They stated one of the main reason for this is clearing out the backlog of applicants from the 2014 system. They state once this has been dealt with the number of applicants being selected from the Pool will increase as they will have the resources to handle the new applications. This will also mean a decrease in the Comprehensive Ranking System score required to be selected from the Express Entry Pool of applicants. Now is the time to start with an application if you are serious about immigrating to Canada in the near future.

Throughout the year the scores selected in each draw have fluctuated, such as it did last week. One of the main reason for these fluctuations is Provincial Nominations being handed out. The beginning of the year saw scores in the 800’s which was the result of applicants who had a Provincial Nomination from late 2014 issued to them which then applied to the Express Entry profile. Once everyone who had a nomination or job offer was given their Invitation to Apply the scores dropped to 400’s after only the fifth draw of the year. For 2015 many of the provinces only started handing out nominations or letters of interest in mid-late 2015 which has resulted in these fluctuations over the last few months. As those with nominations are given their Invitations to Apply, the minimum required score will start to decrease again to target those without a Provincial Nomination or Job Offer. This will also carry over into 2016.

With the new Liberal Government coming into power, they have stated as part of their platform that they intend to change the Comprehensive Rankings System by giving additional points to those who have a sibling who is a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident and is living in Canada. The number of points which would be assigned or when this would come into force have not yet been released.

Another important thing to keep in mind is that while your Express Entry profile may be valid for one year, you are not restricted from renewing it or re-applying in order to continue being considered for Permanent Residency.

Contact us today if you need assistance is determining if you qualify for one of the immigration programs under Express Entry or in completing your application. Our ICCRC Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant will be able to assist you.

E-mail: info@canadaabroad.com

Website: www.canadaabroad.com

Office: +27(0)11 011 9022

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