Spring in Canada

With such diversity in its people and landscapes, it is hardly surprising that Spring in Canada is far from the norm. Ranging from as early as February (On the West Coast) to June, Spring brings new life while still reminiscing in its wintery splendour. Due to the cold winter climate, spring in Canada might be a strange experience for those who are more familiar with weather relative to that of South Africa. Heavy snowstorms can still surprise you as late as May. All-in-all, Canadian Springs offer you the chance to explore the fun in both cool and warm climates. In this blog, I will discuss the beauty and opportunity of Spring in Canada. In addition, I will be highlighting a few things to do and other facts that you should keep in mind.

To Do – During Spring In Canada

In order to motivate you to visit Canada this Spring, I will enthral you with beauty and activity. Obviously, this list won’t include all of the wonderful things you can do – that will take way too long. That being said, hopefully, I can provide you with the perfect base from which to start:

Vancouver Blossoms

Yes, Canada’s springs have the beauty that of pink Cherry Blossoms. In fact, every April, Vancouver is home to the Cherry Blossom Festival that boasts thousands of stunning pink flowers. This vibrant event provides the perfect opportunity to enjoy an inherently Japanese experience; which places further emphasis on Canada’s diversity. In addition, you can also enjoy an array of art, music and cuisine inspired by the Asian country. To further enhance the experience, fairy lights beautifully brighten barks and branches. With over 43000 Cherry Blossoms, this festival is a must.

Ottawa Tulip Festival

Any Spring list without mentioning blossoms surely cannot be taken seriously. For this reason, I have another delight in store. If April is too early, May might do just fine. The best part, you can still experience the freshness of new flowers.

The Canadian Tulip Festival is one of the most celebratory events in the country. Millions of Tulips act as the basis of celebrating history, art, culinary prowess and family. Furthermore, the event also represents Dutch thankfulness towards Canada. In the mid 1900s, Queen Julian, as well as her family, enjoyed safe refuge during the three year Nazi occupation of The Netherlands. The Dutch Royal Family sent 100000 Tulips to Ottawa in 1945, as a sign of gratitude. This beautiful part of history engraved unity that is celebrated to this day.

In modern times, the event is promoted as the biggest Tulip Festival in the world. Hundreds of thousands of people feast their eyes on the beauty year round. Outdoor concerts, arts and crafts offer further enjoyment to an event you should not miss if you want to make the most of Spring in Canada.

Turning Sweet

Did you know, Canada is responsible for 85 percent of the global maple syrup supply? Pretty impressive, right? Since this sweet delight is so popular, it is of little surprise that Maple Syrup festivals can complement your holiday in March and April. In celebration, the biggest producing towns – like Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia – provide visitors with the opportunity to join the process of making the syrup. Now, if that doesn’t tickle the fancy of every sweet tooth out there, nothing will.

Spring Ski

Spring in Canada offers adrenaline junkies the opportunity to experience the pulsating rush of smashing the slopes as late as June. This is quite exciting for a few reasons: You can compromise with family members who want a Spring sight-seeing adventure while also indulging in your own ski or snowboarding endeavours. In addition, you can also enjoy great discounts and empty slopes due to the end of school breaks. Furthermore, accommodation and travel will also hurt your budget far less than prime time.

Wine Delight

The perfect break from snowboarding and the ultimate compliment for flower festivals has to be wine – in my mind, anyway. You might be surprised to learn that Canada actually has a few famous and productive wine regions, namely, the Okanagan Valley (situated in British Columbia) as well as the Niagara Wine Region (situated between the Niagara Falls and Toronto). If you’re going to make the most of your travels to Spring in Canada, I seriously recommend this option. British Columbia and Ontario have various regions for you to experience. Wine tours provide a great way of enjoying Canadian wineries while seeing unique and beautiful sceneries complimented by delicious wine.

Spring Has It All

Spring in Canada is one of the most diverse seasons in the country. In addition to snowy adventures, you can also enjoy endless mountain bike trails, lake rowing adventures and miles of hiking tracks. If luxury is your aim, Canada also offers impressive shopping experiences, stunning hotels and buzzing city life. Regardless of who you are, Canada will offer something to delight. I hope this blog will inspire you to put Spring in Canada on top of your travel list for 2019.

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