How to move to Canada from the United States of America?

How to Immigrate to Canada from the United States in Ten Simple Steps.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably been enduring the rollercoaster ride that is the US Presidential Race.

With Trump conquering State after State, many Americans are starting to worry about the future of their country. It has even driven some Americans to start looking to the North for a new home and native land.

While Canada and America have been neighbours for years, the two countries are quite different.

Below we will discuss the top ten reasons to immigrate to Canada from the United States for those who are not backing Trump as the next President.

1) Canada accepts more immigrants annually.
• This is great news for anyone looking to immigrate. Canada accepts more total immigrant per year than the United States.

2) Canada has less overcrowding
• Canada’s largest cities are Toronto (5.993 million), Montreal (3.981 million) and Vancouver (2.485 million). These major cities pale in comparison to America’s largest cities, New York-Newark (18.593 million), Los Angeles – Long Back – Santa Ana (12.31 million) and Chicago (8.745 million). This means that you can live in/near a major city, but not feel packed in like a sardine.

3) Canadians have a higher life expectancy.
• In Canada you can expect to live longer than you would in the United States.

4) Canada has the same official language.
• When looking to immigrate to a new country, it is important to ensure you will adapt quickly. Canada has two official languages, French and English. Coming from the United States, Americans will settle in quite quickly as they will already know one of the first official languages. You can get by in work and social settings without knowing French.

5) You may live a healthier life in Canada
• Canada has a lower adult obesity rate than the United States.

6) Justin Trudeau (Canada’s Prime Minister)
• He’s nothing like Donald Trump.

7) Canadians are happier than Americans
• Canada constantly ranks in the top ten happiest places to live in the world.

8) Canada has some of the best places to live.
• Canada consistently has cities in the top ten best places to live in the world, including Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary.

9) Canada has less crime.
• Canada’s crime rate is lower than that of the United States, especially when it comes to gun related violence.

10) Canada has better education.
• Canada has one of the top performing educational systems in the world

If the above has allowed you to entertain the idea of immigrating to Canada, then below is all you need to know about starting your move to Canada from the Unites States.

Step 1 – Check if you qualify for any of the current available immigration programs based on your specific background. You can start with a free assessment here:

If you don’t qualify, the next step would be to look for a job in Canada. If you can secure employment with a Canadian company, or a transfer to a Canadian Branch of your existing company, there may be other options available to you.

Step 2 – Make sure you are not inadmissible to Canada. This could be for several different reasons, including a previous arrest or conviction or an existing medical condition.

Step 3 – If you did qualify for a current immigration program, other than the family class, the next step is typically to do an English Language test (IELTS if you are not in Canada). This applies even to those from an English speaking country.

Step 4 – Have your education assessed by one of the approved credential assessing bodies in Canada. They will verify if your qualifications are the equivalent of a Canadian qualification.

Step 5 – Make sure you have a valid passport

Step 6 – If you are applying as a Federal Skilled Worker, Federal Skilled Tradesperson, Provincial Nomine or a member of the Canadian Experience Class, then you will enter yourself into the Express Entry pool of candidates

Step 7 – You will be assigned a Comprehensive Ranking System Score, which the government will use to select individuals from the Express Entry pool of candidates for Permanent Residency

Step 8 – Once chosen you will be given an Invitation to Apply and can then submit your Permanent Residency application.

Step 9 – Submit your Permanent Residency application within 60 days.

Step 10 – Keep calm and move to Canada!

For more details, view our article “Your Simplified Guide to Express Entry” below:

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