General News

Everything you need to know about Canadian Immigration


Canada Abroad vs Canada Aboard – Who is Who?

Deanne Acres-Lans
August 26, 2016

We at Canada Abroad previously posted the below article on August 31st, 2015 due to the volume of calls we receive due to ...


How to move to Canada from the United States of America?

Deanne Acres-Lans
March 22, 2016

How to Immigrate to Canada from the United States in Ten Simple Steps.

Unless you have bee...


What to Expect From Express Entry in 2016

Deanne Acres-Lans
November 18, 2015

With the end of the year fast approaching many applicant in the Express Entry Pool are starting to ...


Warning – Potentially Unlicensed Company in Cape Town

Deanne Acres-Lans
October 8, 2015

This week we have received several calls about a company called “Migrate Worldwide” operating out of Cape Town, Sou...


Canada Aboard – Why are They Hiding Their Representative?

Deanne Acres-Lans
September 2, 2015

Recently we have been receiving numerous complaints about Canada Aboard from individuals in South Africa after they read our Ne...


Canada Abroad vs. Canada Aboard – Who is the real deal?

Deanne Acres-Lans
August 31, 2015

At first glance, you may not even notice the difference, but there is one. Canada Abroad is owned and operated...


Why Choose Canada?

Deanne Acres-Lans
August 2, 2015

With so many options available in the world, why are so many deciding to choose Canada as their new home?

First of all, ...


Fraud Alert – Company With Similar Name

Deanne Acres-Lans
March 6, 2015

In honour of Fraud Prevention Month, we would like to clarify a very important point at this time as a lot of consumers are get...