The Most Scenic Drives in Canada

Life Is A Highway When You Are Living In Canada.
So take to these open roads!
Winding roads, lush forests and snow-capped mountains, Canada has some of the most unbelievable landscapes in the world. Adventuring out when you first immigrate to Canada is a must. As the second biggest country in the world, there is a lot to see but luckily you will have plenty of time. A road trip is just one of the ways that you can enjoy a real life adventure, whether you have just moved to Canada or even if you have been living there for years!
To help you decide exactly where it is that you will be going, we have compiled a list of scenic drives for you to explore.
Sea to Sky Highway, British Columbia
There are few highways in the world that have these kinds of views. As you travel, gazing out across the ocean, it truly seems as though the sea meets the sky as the different shades of blue merge. The route will take you from Vancouver to Whistler, and is known officially as the BC highway 99. The drive can take around 2 days to complete if you go the whole way. While there are a few interesting stop offs, it is the ocean/sky scape that will have you in awe.
Trans-Canada Highway
This highway system will take you through all 10 Canadian provinces. This makes it the longest highway in the world! It stretches from St Johns to Victoria, so, naturally, both cities have laid claim to being the starting point. But it doesn’t matter where you start, so long as you get going! A lot of the highway passes through National Parks, as it crisscrosses the country from West to East. This certainly offers one of the best opportunities to see a little something in every Canadian province.
Canadian Badlands, Alberta
Some of the most unique coulee and hoodoo rock formations can be found in the Canadian Badlands. This is Canada’s own Wild West and you can enjoy a scenic drive through the region. This part of Alberta is well-known for its fossils and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site Dinosaur Provincial Park. A drive through the Badlands is sure to be as eye opening as it will be memorable. From dinosaurs to cowboys and ranchers, the Badlands have a little history from every period.
Viking Trail, Newfoundland
The name sort of gives away the theme you can expect when you take to this trail. It stretches from Newfoundland to Labrador, and it is the only road that will take you to some of the nearby UNESCO sites such as the Gros Morne National Park and the L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site of Canada. There are also a number of other interesting sites to visit along the way.
Pacific Rim Highway
The Pacific Rim Highway is greenery all the way. Beautiful forests on all sides and the occasional glimpses of lakes and ocean, the Pacific Rim Highway is around 130 km of twists and turns. Part of the highway takes you down the beautiful coastline, while the rest of the road will take you through stunning mountains. This is definitely a road trip worth embarking on!