New Immigration Scam Warning – Work Permit

We just received a new Canadian immigration scam . This one again is directed to those seeking to obtain a work permit in Canada.

The company name being used this time is Titan Diamond Drilling Ltd Canada. The e-mail you will receive from them is below. The e-mail address is The tip off here that it is not legitimate is the which would not appear on a company e-mail address.

The attachment they will send you refers to what they call a “Canadian Immigration Entrance Clearance Certificate (CIECC) from the office of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)” which does not exist. The CBSA does not issue such certificates. All background checks are done through the Canadian Embassy when you are applying for your Canadian Work Permit.

This scam has appeared before over the last two years using different company names and a different lawyer names but the e-mail address domains remain the same. The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) would not use a private Barrister to issue these certificates. All work would be done through the CBSA and their e-mail address ends in

You will also see below that the heading states “ARPETROL LTD CANADA. APPOINTMENT LETTER” and then they list the company in the body as Titan Diamond Drilling Ltd.

At the end of the e-mail you will see they listed their contact number as starting with “+143”. If you actually visit the Titan Diamond Drilling website you will know that their phone numbers start with 250 for their region of Canada and the country code would be +1 not +143. 

If you receive such an e-mail please do not hand any money over the sender or to the listed Barrister as this is not legitimate.


Attention: Appointee,

The Human Resources Department of Titan Diamond Drilling Ltd. Canada
Office wishes to inform you that your application CV has been properly
Reviewed with your Submitted details.

Your Name has been considered for employment with our Company as one
of our new employee who has successfully passed the E-mail Interview
as it was expected.

Your qualification experience and eligibility to work in our company
has been confirmed by Titan Diamond Drilling Ltd. Canada. Office Management, So you are expected to get all your traveling documents ready through the assistance of our zonal coordinator on traveling Visa fast approval, who is a senior officer working with (CBSA) Canada Border Services Agency Canada.

You are to contact our CBSA Barrister in Canada because of the express
traveling approval of your Working Visa documents; also you are to
inform the CBSA barrister that you are traveling your family.

Considering the documents that you may be required to present before the Canada Border Services Agency Canada, and the nature of interview that you might face, the time and Visa delay, which might not be all that favorable to you, thereby resulting to refusal of the visa to you.

We therefore decided to establish a responsible cordial relationship
with Barrister Jerome Curtis in CBSA for fast approval of Work Visa
to our selected applicants without delay and long visa protocol.

Note: That the entire traveling documents and formalities required by
you should be obtained from the Canada Border Services Agency Canada in
Canada before directives will be giving to Canadian Embassy in your
country for visa endorsement, according to the company’s management

Now, you have to send this Intent Appointment Letter, international
passport, one photo passport to the Respected Barrister at the Canada
Border Services Agency Canada via e-mail:
for endorsement of your visa in the Canadian High Commission in your
country after your visa is approved by the Canada Border Services
Agency Canada. This will prove that you are our employee and all necessary help should be availed to you.

When coming to Canada to assume office, you are to come with
the hard copies of your educational qualification.

Kindly find the attached document soft copy of Intent Appointment
letter in this mail.

Your documents have been submitted to the Canada Border Services Agency
in Canada for further processing. Your file will be open by the
Barrister in CBSA office in Canada on your behalf for the Visa

As it was stated in the appointment letter soft copy;

(a) You are to take responsibility for your Canada Immigration Entrance Clearance Certificate (CIECC) fee.

(b) That the Company will pay for your flight ticket to Canada after your Visa is approved

(c) The Company will refund the Visa processing CIECC fee to serious applicants that are able to travel to Canada.

(d) The Company will not initially take responsibility for your CIECC fee, as we do not want to waste company money on applicants that are not actually prepared to travel abroad, even after the Visa has been issued to them. You will have to immediately contact Canada Border Services Agency Canada staff with the below contact details:

TEL: (+143)78869172 EMAIL: (

Please, endeavor to update us on your successful processes with the Agency
for liaison purpose and scan copy of your Visa page as soon as your
Visa is stamped to enable my office book for your flight ticket to
Canada for your resumption of duty as stated in your appointment letter.


in charge of processing traveling documents/ 5yrs working Visa,
residential permit and approval Documents

Do call the Barrister on phone: TEL: (+143)78869172 immediately you send him an email.

Best Regards,

Steven Fournier/Maurice Fournier



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