Ontario Immigrant Nominee (OINP) Points Calculator
How to calculate your score on the OINP points system

In 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) introduced a new Expression of Interest (EOI) system where applicants under certain OINP streams are first required to submit an EOI directly on the OINP website. These applicants are then scored based on the information in their EOI, which is then used to select candidates under certain programs. If the applicant is then selected based on their EOI, they will be given a set date to submit their full application to OINP. If that application is then approved, they will receive a Provincial Nomination. These programs do not require an Express Entry profile. This means that applicants who receive a provincial nomination under this stream will not submit their application for permanent residence through the Express Entry system.
OINP Points Calculator
This OINP points calculator is a tool that will help you calculate your OINP score based on the details you will provide on your EOI. To see which scores are being selected by OINP, please visit ontario.ca
Legal Disclaimer: This tool is intended solely for general guidance and reference purposes only.
Prepare to Submit Your EOI
When assessing an Expression of Interest (EOI), the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) looks at a variety of factors. Depending on which stream you are applying under, the OINP will only look at specific factors. Not all streams are assessed the same. This means that some applicants may earn points for factors such as their language abilities, while others may not. It is important to ensure that you have all the required information available, based on the program you are applying under.
The below table shows which factors are assessed for each stream:
Scoring Factor | Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker | Employer Job Offer: In-Demand Skills | Employer Job Offer: International Student | Masters Graduate | PhD Graduate |
Job Offer: NOC TEER category | Scored | Not applied | Scored | Not applied | Not applied |
Job Offer: NOC broad occupational category | Scored | Scored | Scored | Not applied | Not applied |
Job offer: wage | Scored | Scored | Scored | Not applied | Not applied |
Work permit status | Scored | Scored | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Job tenure with job offer | Scored | Scored | Scored | Not applied | Not applied |
Earnings history | Scored | Scored | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Highest level of education | Not applied | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Field of study | Not applied | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Canadian education experience | Not applied | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Official language ability | Scored | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Knowledge of official languages (French and English) | Scored | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
Regional immigration: location of job offer | Scored | Scored | Scored | Not applied | Not applied |
Regional immigration: location of study | Not applied | Not applied | Scored | Scored | Scored |
The OINP programs which currently use the OINP system are:
What happens once you’re selected?
When submitting an Expression of Interest (EOI) it is important to know which documents you will need to submit with a full application to OINP to prove the details on your EOI. If you claim points on your EOI, but cannot obtain the following documents, your application for a provincial nomination can be refused.
Job offer: NOC skill level, NOC type, and wage
- job offer letter with a description of job duties and wage
Canadian work experience: duration
- employment/work experience reference letter(s) from a Canadian employer(s) outlining dates of employment and hours worked per week
- full-time work experience means working in a job with at least 30 hours of paid work in a week that amounts to at least 1,560 hours of paid work in one year
- part-time equivalent work experience means:
- working in one job for at least 15 hours per week, for two years that amounts to at least 1,560 hours in that two-year period, or
- working in more than one job for at least 30 hours per week, for one year, that amounts to at least 1,560 hours of paid work in that one year period
Canadian work experience: NOC skill level
- employment/work experience reference letter(s) from a Canadian employer(s) with a description of job duties
In addition to employment/work experience reference letter(s), you may also submit supporting documents that describe your duties and responsibilities including job descriptions, performance reviews and job advertisements.
Canadian work experience: earnings history
- Notice of Assessment(s) issued by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in the last five years
T4 slips alone will not be accepted. You must have earned at least $40,000 in a single calendar year (as reflected on a single Notice of Assessment issued in the last five years) to receive points for this factor. Combined earnings over multiple calendar years will not be accepted.
Regional immigration: location of job offer
- job offer letter with location of employment clearly stated
How can we help you?
Speak to one of our OINP Experts
The Canadian immigration process can sometimes feel daunting, but we’re here to help. Whether you prefer to DIY, or have someone else take the wheel, we can guide you through the process.